the yogaloft presents:
trans atlantic yogafestival cologne 2006
at mediapark
september 8-11, 2006
come experience some of the world's best yoga teachers ensembled for the first time in the heart of europe!!! master teachers such as seane corn, rolf gates, david swenson, and many more, will be uniting together to teach and share their wisdom, passion & joy for the art of yoga.
an exciting, not-to-be-missed, 3 ½ deeply inspiring days of yoga. enjoy your choice of over 30 classes, open to all levels.
a thought-provoking, integrated mix of topics include: deep asana practice, yoga sutras, therapeutic yoga, meditation, nada yoga, sanskrit, hands-on adjustments, pranayama, yoga talks and more!
the program is specifically designed so that you can interweave your participation between practical and theory workshops, allowing you to completely savor the entire event.
adding rasa to the mix is reknown european dj, hans nieswandt, spinning live for selected vinyasa classes.
another great highlight delight and rare treat is a very special performance by the uncomparable tripsichore, known as ‘the cirque du soleil’ of yoga dance. in addition, live musicians will ease our senses in the main foyer next to the exhibitor booths, along with a few extra juicy surprises! rounding out the extravaganza will be meditation and closing chants with our special guests.
the trans atlantic yogafestival unites a bridge between europe & north america, bringing the oceans of yoga together. meet yogis from all around the globe, deepen your practice, expand your horizons. take the leap inside! come celebrate & play with us! we look forward to the adventure together. limited spaces available, so don’t miss this wild urban yoga event.