Pantarhei – Yoga in St.Georg

Vinyasa Yoga, klassisches Ashtanga Yoga, Hatha Yoga, Yin Yoga und Ayurveda.
Situated right in the city we (Dana Rüter and Katja Staub) have realised our dream, and opened up a Yoga studio where we combine different styles of yoga and ayurveda.
We offer Yoga at any time of the day. Our early birds start 7 in the morning. If you like to sleep in come at lunch time or do your yoga in the evening or at the weekend.
Yoga to us means a source of endless knowledge. It teaches us about the people, live and our-selves. If you practise Yoga regularly it gives you the power to change things for the better and to stay present. You learn to understand and acknowledge your body and become more calm and centred.
Yoga to us is a gift which we would like to share with you.
We have studied with Elizabeth Connolly and are registered with the Yoga Alliance. Apart from that, we use the opportunity to deepen our know ledgeduring Workshops with great teachers like Dena Kingsberg, Clive Sheridan,Nancy Gilgoff, Edward Clarke, Radha and Pierre and many more.