Differences between Ashtanga Yoga and Vinyasa Yoga
Differences between Ashtanga Yoga and Vinyasa Yoga
In Vinyasa Yoga are two different ways of doing .
A . Gentle vinyasa flow - relaxing and therapeutic yoga exercises connected with breathing and movement.
Comes mainly from the Krishnamacharya and TKV Desikachar.
The course always begins with sun salutations to warm up the body , not connected with strength like in ashtanga yoga more relaxed , there are many variations, do it six times or multiples of six times.

The exercise program designed by the teacher through the lesson as intuition, he never do exactly the same program. We start with standing poses ,standing balances, followed low balances, seated exercises, flexibility for joints, body back stretches ,body back bends , twists and finally inverted poses.
We do exercises on both sides first on the right side after left.
The basic rule in the whole program is trying to choose the order Asana one after another to affect different parts of the body. We do not set similar exercises in a row one after another. This only happens on backward bends section (cobra, locust, bow), which is usually in that order . Using different variations for each and ever day.

To have therapeutic effects for the body the theory says the
exercise program should include after a forward bend a backward stretch.
In general follows an Asana with different effects on the body than the last so far it is possible.
At this point remember that many Asana that seem to look similar effect completely different to the body. Sometimes even a different breathing can change a asana .
Sometimes in gentle yoga flow , a very experienced teacher does in the standing section of the program , 5-10 similar poses first to the right side of the body ,than completing this circle of poses doing it to the left side .
That is done only for specific reasons and needs of this class and only in gentle flow . Not in dynamic , power vinyasa flow because it is very hard for the body to do up to 10 similar poses to one site each after the other , that would built a harder exercise for the body than ashtanga yoga .

B. dynamic vinyasa flow - exercise with strength and movement - was following the ashtanga yoga so it has an important effect from Pattabhi Jois teaching .
It starts normally with the sun salutations from ashtanga yoga where we do 5 +5 combined with unjiaja breathing or a easier variation of the ashtanga unjiaja breath .

The exercise program based on the principles of gentle flow , different asana is following ,we do not similar series of exercises such as ashtanga yoga. So the program is easier for the practitioner, it is designed to be easier for the body and requires less , offers more flexibility and a slim body type . Ashtanga yoga is offering more strength training and a more athletically body.
Ashtanga yoga is designed to be more difficult and demanding for the practitioner exercise program is given with every detail and practiced the same for each day over 2 years , for learning the body to do each and every pose perfect using all muscle groups to move and relax on each asana .
H Vinyasa Yoga requires more from the teacher, to do well, which should have the knowledge and experience to design the exercise program according to needs of the classes . Using his instinct and talent to know to feel how the class is following or if not and to modify in the class the program , to open up the students to more flexibility .
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